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Sunday, November 29, 2009

new ski season first 3 days

Schweitzer opened two days ago. The first two days had some good powder.The third day (today) was icy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mini Terrain Park

Here is a video of me and my posse hitting some jumps, rails, and boxes. I go towards the end and hit the box switch. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Small Jump Big Air

This is me going of a jump at Schweitzer on the bunny hill. The bunny hill is easy for me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This is a picture of me jumping of a jump @ Schweitzer M.T.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ice and Wind

Today it was icy and windy. My hands were really cold. We could not go off the groomers without going on ice. Ice is not very fun to ski.
We are hoping for snow soon.

Pygmy-Bicycle Tuck

Today I learned a new tuck. Brian, my funatics coach, taught me it. It has the speed of a pygmy tuck and the control of a normal tuck. To do it, you do a normal tuck then pick up your feet - one up, one down - like riding a bicycle. We did it all the way down zip down. It was fun and fast.


Today I went skiing at Schweitzer Mountain Resort. Me and my Funatics group were boot skiing for awhile then we went down to ride up and do nastar but they had lost power to the Stella chair lift. So we were stuck on the back side with no way up and out. Some people had to be taken off the lift by rope. We built a boot skiing course. I found a snow cave. It was small. They were about to take us up in a snow cat when they got the auxillary power up and going. So rode up the lift. Schweitzer gave us all free lift tickets, hot chocolate and lunch.

Wind hold

Two chair lifts are closed because the wind is to strong.

Bright and Early

I'm going skiing today. I ski with my Funatics group on Sundays. My coach is cool. His name is Brian and he's a really good skier and a good coach.

I'll report later.